If you were interested in becoming a beta test participant, you were able to do so by providing your contact information for access to the site when it launched.
Only a select few, according to Hulu, would be chosen for access to the site. I signed up, hopeful that I would be picked to participate. Yesterday I received an email confirmation from Hulu with a login and password.
Here are some initial thoughts.
From the get go, I was pleased with the quality of the streaming video. Having looked at hundreds of videos on the web with grainy, pixelated quality, Hulu's video quality is refreshing with an HD look in normal viewing mode. The variety of popular shows they've managed to lineup so far is impressive--even offering programs that viewers could only watch with cable or satellite.
Hulu provides several viewing options to enhance your media experience with features like full-screen or pop out mode for a more cinematic look. Viewers can dim the lights of surrounding site, leaving the crisp video stream even more engaging.
Like YouTube, users can copy embedded code for placement on their website or blogs and share video with others. Hulu offers a users feedback section to flag video problems, or inappropriate content among other possible issues.
So far, I'm impressed. And for me, one of Hulu's greatest benefits is that it allows busy folks like myself to catch up on missed shows or when you've reached the maximum amount of programs you can record in an hour on your DVR.
For those who don't yet have access to Hulu's programs, I've posted a popular TV show from Hulu's site for you.
Episode 10 - Prison Break on FOX
Video Source: Hulu.com